Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Star is born……Kelton-Pierce Owusu-Ansah

KK Bloggers,
Sorry for keeping you in suspense once again but I believe I’m right to say that one tends to not have enough time to even breath after a birth or delivery. So after 41 weeks of pregnancy, several episodes of faint spells, excruciating labor pains and contractions, no epidural (yes you heard me right!), 2 hours in labor and a couple of ‘pushes’, the little stinker decided to make his grand appearance on June 14th 2010 at 1:15 am. Much to my amazement, the boy weighed 8lbs 5ounces, 20in in length! I never knew I could make an 8-pounder.


His middle name came from my father and with the first name, we decided on something that was similar to that of his father’s name – Kelvin without attaching the JNR, III (the third) or anything like that. I truly believe in everyone having their own sense of identity.
So as I mentioned before, I delivered without an epidural which was kind of disappointing since I had vowed that I would request for 2 shots of the epidural when the time came for me to get it…! So you probably are wondering why I was not given the option to get the epidural. Well, long story short, after feeling 5-10-minute-intervals of intense abdominal pains, I decided to get myself to the hospital. I really didn’t think much of it then. And the last thing I wanted was to end up in the hospital only to be told they were false contractions and be sent home.

So after much deliberation, I decided to head on out. It was like clockwork after then….the pains seemed to increase in intensity. Once at a certain well-known hospital in Atlanta, we were told there were no available L&D rooms!!! How preposterous is that!!! So I ended up in the waiting room crying and in so much pain for over an hour! By the time this so-called famous hospital finally got a room for me, I was as unstable and screaming like that of a demented woman. I began to experience pain that I had never experienced before – one beyond description. I was a very uncommon ground for me. What was happening? This feels was way different. By then I was ranting and raving about something very unfamiliar happening to me and someone needed to help me quick. I began to think, ‘Am I dying?’ Nurses thought I was possessed or something. Finally they decided to stop ignoring my request for help and to be checked. After that, I remember about 10 nurses whizzing all over the room and one of them mentioned, ‘She’s 10cm minus 1’? ‘She’s fully ready’. I said to myself, WHAT? It can’t be, I need to get my epidural. My hopes were shattered when she told me I couldn’t. But the most surprising thing was that she said I had crowned – for quite a while for that matter. After that, it was mere history. After 2 hours of excruciating pain, my baby had arrived.

I remember the first thing that came into my mind was, ‘they’d better be right! I hope it’s a boy as predicted’. I found myself looking over to try to steal a peak and figure out if it was a boy or not before the nurses blurted it out.

And I thank God that indeed it was a handsome little baby boy as I had wanted! Welcome home KP!!

So even though I was quite upset about having to go past my due date, it all worked out for a couple good reasons. One of my concerns was having the nursery/toddler room finished and well constructed prior to the birth. Well I’m proud to say that we had everything in place on time. Mind you we have a 2 bedroom 3-level townhome plus a loft. It was the loft we decided to convert into a kid’s room for both the newborn and my 2 yr old daughter. Below are a couple shots of the set up. I plan to finish all decorations later. This was indeed a wonderful ending to a much wanted fairy tale.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! And as for my nephew, he is going to be a big one...I can just see it! Congratulations and kudos!
