Thursday, July 29, 2010

Extra, Extra! Read all about it....KRADLE KOUTURE INC. OFFICIALLY OPEN!

Extra, Extra, Read all about it……. Kradle Kouture Inc. officially opens!!

I find this really sentimental to me…With the birth of my handsome son also came along the birth of the coolest new kids’ clothing line – Kradle Kouture Inc.

To usher in the new business and commemorate this occasion, I thought it would be wise and most befitting to have our first viewing at my daughter’s daycare center in Atlanta. The premier collection was called “Tropical Chic”.

Let’s add a little tropical flavor to our kiddie closets! Kradle Kouture Inc. provides an experience of an exciting new genre of kids fashion: a fun expression of modern styles cut out of authentic African design, textiles and themes. These are hand-made Ghanaian inspired treasures made with love for your little treasures!

Please support Kradle Kouture Inc. kids fashions as we aim to give your kid a sense of individuality, creativity and pizzazz because Kradle Kouture Inc. is where…

….”your kids are the fashion icons of the runways…”

The “Tropical Chic” Kradle Kouture Inc. debut collection Trunk Show was a success considering the number of who actually made it into the room for the viewing. Only regret is that I wish there was more participation.

Kradle Kouture Inc. hopes that if you did not get a chance to stop by for the show that you can make it at either of the upcoming trunk shows scheduled throughout the rest of the year. Please look out for all future trunk show dates and details. Most importantly, all inventory items are now available on my etsy page. See below for specific details.

I wanted to share a few snaps from the event.

PS: If you are interested in receiving up-to-date notifications of new posted articles, items and such, please state your interest by sending your email addresses to

Also, visit our online shop on Etsy at for complete listing of all our products and a marketplace for our customers to order their pieces.

Please support Kradle Kouture Inc. Thank you so much for your patronage! Hope to hear from you soon.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Star is born……Kelton-Pierce Owusu-Ansah

KK Bloggers,
Sorry for keeping you in suspense once again but I believe I’m right to say that one tends to not have enough time to even breath after a birth or delivery. So after 41 weeks of pregnancy, several episodes of faint spells, excruciating labor pains and contractions, no epidural (yes you heard me right!), 2 hours in labor and a couple of ‘pushes’, the little stinker decided to make his grand appearance on June 14th 2010 at 1:15 am. Much to my amazement, the boy weighed 8lbs 5ounces, 20in in length! I never knew I could make an 8-pounder.


His middle name came from my father and with the first name, we decided on something that was similar to that of his father’s name – Kelvin without attaching the JNR, III (the third) or anything like that. I truly believe in everyone having their own sense of identity.
So as I mentioned before, I delivered without an epidural which was kind of disappointing since I had vowed that I would request for 2 shots of the epidural when the time came for me to get it…! So you probably are wondering why I was not given the option to get the epidural. Well, long story short, after feeling 5-10-minute-intervals of intense abdominal pains, I decided to get myself to the hospital. I really didn’t think much of it then. And the last thing I wanted was to end up in the hospital only to be told they were false contractions and be sent home.

So after much deliberation, I decided to head on out. It was like clockwork after then….the pains seemed to increase in intensity. Once at a certain well-known hospital in Atlanta, we were told there were no available L&D rooms!!! How preposterous is that!!! So I ended up in the waiting room crying and in so much pain for over an hour! By the time this so-called famous hospital finally got a room for me, I was as unstable and screaming like that of a demented woman. I began to experience pain that I had never experienced before – one beyond description. I was a very uncommon ground for me. What was happening? This feels was way different. By then I was ranting and raving about something very unfamiliar happening to me and someone needed to help me quick. I began to think, ‘Am I dying?’ Nurses thought I was possessed or something. Finally they decided to stop ignoring my request for help and to be checked. After that, I remember about 10 nurses whizzing all over the room and one of them mentioned, ‘She’s 10cm minus 1’? ‘She’s fully ready’. I said to myself, WHAT? It can’t be, I need to get my epidural. My hopes were shattered when she told me I couldn’t. But the most surprising thing was that she said I had crowned – for quite a while for that matter. After that, it was mere history. After 2 hours of excruciating pain, my baby had arrived.

I remember the first thing that came into my mind was, ‘they’d better be right! I hope it’s a boy as predicted’. I found myself looking over to try to steal a peak and figure out if it was a boy or not before the nurses blurted it out.

And I thank God that indeed it was a handsome little baby boy as I had wanted! Welcome home KP!!

So even though I was quite upset about having to go past my due date, it all worked out for a couple good reasons. One of my concerns was having the nursery/toddler room finished and well constructed prior to the birth. Well I’m proud to say that we had everything in place on time. Mind you we have a 2 bedroom 3-level townhome plus a loft. It was the loft we decided to convert into a kid’s room for both the newborn and my 2 yr old daughter. Below are a couple shots of the set up. I plan to finish all decorations later. This was indeed a wonderful ending to a much wanted fairy tale.